• Central Florida Vocal Arts and Opera del Sol

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    Performing Arts

    About Us

    Re-imagining the Future of Vocal Arts

    Central Florida Vocal Arts is a non-profit music advocacy organization, dedicated to providing the highest quality training to young artists, while also providing performance opportunities to currently emerging artists of all ages. We are creating a continuing life cycle for the vocal arts in Central Florida through a three step model. The first step, Education and Training introduces young artists to the arts. Through our educational initiatives, we develop students’ talent and passion. Our Mainstage Productions provide a transition period for students, ages 8-18, to emerge on the professional stage alongside of local, professional talent. Our life cycle culminates with Opera del Sol’s (OdS) Emerging Artist Program. For singers ages 18 and up, OdS’s Emerging Artist Program allows opportunities to cultivate talent in fully staged and orchestrated productions. Whether the final goal is performing locally or dreaming of their big break, through Education, Mentorship, and Performance, Central Florida Vocal Arts is training the young artists of today to re-imagine the future of vocal arts.


    The Pirates of Penzance
    The Pirates of Penzance
    The Pirates of Penzance

    Rep/Contact Info

    Meghan Hone
    Director of Operations
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    View Personal Bio
    Theresa Smith-Levin